chapter five

Thursday, July 27, 2006

Babyfest '06

Today I accomplished a major feat. Today was the fourth consecutive day that I ran on the treadmill and I wasn't horribly out of breath and I didn't experience any knife-stabbing pains in my chest! Fantastic. Tomorrow will be day five...perhaps I may push myself beyond 2 miles?? Perhaps...

This weekend I am going to my friend, Ana's, baby shower. The last time I saw her, during THESIS, she was just barely starting to show. Now it's only a matter of months before she gives birth. Woah baby. I checked out her registry on babies-r-us and GREAT GOOGLY MOOGLY! That thing was 14 pages long! Goodness Ana! Atleast it made it easier to pick out stuff since there were so many items to choose from. I do believe I picked out the cutest items plus my own little add-on. Look, how adorable!

honey bee receiving blanket
honey bee photo frame
lamb rattle

Baby stuff is too pricey considering its short lifespan. Babies grow so fast. It is ridiculously cute though. I'd go crazy buying itty bitty clothes, soft blankies, and teenie tiny shoes but I'm not having a baby anytime soon. So I must buy these precious items for my dear friends who keep getting knocked up, one by one. One day I'm getting a puppy and setting up a registry for it at Petsmart or something. Hell, my dog would love baby toys and soft blankies....I'm registering my future dog at babies-r-us! Dogs are people too!


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